Save time and trouble by having all your prescriptions refilled at the same time each month. You may even have them blistered packed.

Simple And Convenient

Everything is handled for you; only one trip to the pharmacy to pick up your prescriptions. This allows patients to pick up all of their ongoing prescription refills at the pharmacy on a single, convenient day each month and work closely with the pharmacist to stick to their medication regimen.

Same Time, Same Place

Each month, at the same time, your prescriptions are ready to be picked up. A few days prior to your prescriptions being refilled, you will receive a message from us asking if there are any changes.

No Hassles

We'll call your doctor for refills or deal with your insurance company directly to reduce or eliminate any hassles.

You Stay Healthy

We simplify the process of taking your medications correctly. We ensure you are taking the right medication at the right time.

Blister Packaging

This service is available if you need help taking medications at the right time or have trouble remembering. All of your medications will be measured and grouped by when they need to be taken. This ensures that medications are taken on time and are not missing any doses.